Presentation slides
Not a complete list, but I wanted to aggregate some of the PDFs for various presentations here. Any contact information in the older slides is probably defunct, so please use the contact page for questions.
Cyberspectrum September 2017 - San Diego
- Pothos update, gr-pothos, purposed additions: Quick update on Pothos development since Cyberspectrum 2016 at defcon. I went into detail about how we handle gnuradio integrations in gr-pothos, and purposed additions for GNU Radio to make such developments (other others) more strait-forward.
GNU Radio conference 2017 - San Diego
- SoapySDR, LimeSuite, gnuradio integration: Lime microsystems sent me to GrCon 2017 to present work on LimeSuite and general work for the community in terms of SoapySDR and related software.
Cyberspectrum August 2016 - Defcon/Vegas
- Pothosware overview and LoRa Demo: I have an overview of the various pothosware projects such as Pothos framework, SoapySDR, and windows development environment. The talk also included a LoRa communication demo.
Pothosware Update January 2015
- Pothosware Update January 2015: This is from a status update video on my Pothos youtube channel.
GNU Radio conference 2012 - Atlanta
- GNURadio Advanced Scheduler overview: I intended to speak at GrCon 2012 about recent scheduler work in GRAS (GNURadio Advanced Scheduler); including interesting features, new paradigms, and bugs addressed by the scheduler work.
- GrExtras and Precog: I presented GrExtras for message passing support and python blocks. Also, the presentation covered John Malsbury's Precog project and how it used GrExtras.
- UHD Calibration and impairments: Discussion of of UHD calibration developments, self-calibration utilities, IQ imbalance, DC offsets, and design tradeoffs. I also discuss using halfband vs CIC filters in the up and down conversion chains.
GNU Radio conference 2011 - Philadelphia
- UHD (USRP Driver) development: I discuss the motivations for making UHD, architectural decisions, and how GNU Radio is supported.
GNU Radio Users Group @ WIF 2011
- Update on misc GNU Radio work: The talk covers recent UHD work like 8-bit samples, CMake support in GNU Radio, python blocks, message passing, and VOLK.
GNU Radio Users Group @ WIF 2010
- UHD features and architecture: UHD was a new development around this point. This talk briefly covers UHD features, architecture, and GNU Radio support.
GNU Radio Hackfest 2009
- GRC and Wx widgets update: Discussing recent work for GRC features, purposed features, and particularly developments for the gr-wxgui component.
Last edited: Wed, Sep 20 2017 - 09:26PM