GNU Radio Companion
GRC is bundled with the gnuradio development trunk and gnuradio 3.2 release. If you wish to use grc, follow the instructions at the GNU Radio wiki.
Please use the grc that is bundled with the current gnuradio master or the gnuradio 3.2 release. It has a years worth of work and improvements compared to the last versioned release of grc (0.70). In addition, the grc bundled with gnuradio is guaranteed to evolve with gnuradio; whereas the older non-bundled grc will stagnate and cease to be compatible with newer gnuradio releases.
Get it now!
You can get the latest gnuradio and grc with this command. Make sure to follow the Build Guide.
git clone
Official grc examples are in gnuradio-examples. Some of the scripts that come with gnuradio are generated from grc flow graphs. Just run find in your gnuradio checkout to get a list of all grc files:
find -name "*.grc" -print
Old Releases
I do not recommend using any of the old releases, but if you really need them, they are here. Please ignore any readme files or notes. They are wayyy out of date.
All grc subversion history prior to its gnuradio integration can be found here. You will have to wind back many revisions because the directory was removed.
Relevant Documents
Presentation for October 2009 GNU Radio Hackfest
This was my presentation for the October 2009 Hackfest. The presentation summarizes recently-added features and possible future features.
Poster for Tech-Fellows Demonstration
During my sophomore year at Johns Hopkins (2006-2007), I worked with Dr. Cooper, and Patrick Mulligan (MSE student) to create a graphical interface for gnuradio. We started with grant money from the Technology Fellowship Grants Program.
The goal of the Tech-Fellows Grant is to use technology (aka a computer) to aid in the learning process. In this case, Dr. Cooper used grc is his digital communication class the semester after the presentation. I know of at least several other universities that use grc as a learning tool for digital communication. So, I am declaring this one a success.